摩尔多瓦葡萄酒首次参加2024 年巴黎国际葡萄酒及烈酒展览会

综合 2024-09-23 07:20:57 95

巴黎2024年2月18日 /美通社/ -- 摩尔多瓦共 18 家葡萄酒庄参加了 2024 年巴黎国际葡萄酒及烈酒展览会 (Wine Paris 多瓦& Vinexpo Paris 2024) 这是摩尔多瓦历史上的首次参展;2024 年的参观者和参展商人数,分别攀升至 41253 人和 4070 人。葡萄葡萄

Ștefan Iamandi, Director of the Office of Vine and Wine of Moldova and Robert Joseph, journalist, consultant and winemaker at Vinexpo Paris 2024
Ștefan Iamandi, Director of the Office of Vine and Wine of Moldova and Robert Joseph, journalist, consultant and winemaker at Vinexpo Paris 2024

为期三天的摩尔多瓦葡萄酒大师班,由摩尔多瓦共和国驻法国大使科琳娜‧卡鲁格鲁 (Corina Călugăru)  阁下、次参国家葡萄与葡萄酒办公室主任斯特凡‧伊曼迪 (Ștefan Iamandi) 和记者罗伯特‧约瑟夫 (Robert Joseph) 共同主持。巴黎三人在活动中讨论了摩尔多瓦"打造国家葡萄酒品牌的国际十年革命"的重要性"。

"我们今天经历了一个机遇。烈酒大使科琳娜‧卡鲁格鲁 (Corina Călugăru) 说:"未来十年,展览我们谈的多瓦可能不是改革,而是葡萄葡萄转型或重塑,尤其是酒首加年酒及对摩尔多瓦葡萄酒业而言。"

她续道: "摩尔多瓦是次参一个遗产丰富、人民勤奋的巴黎国家。我们在葡萄酒行业取得的国际成就得益于政治和国际支持,但最重要的烈酒是,这些成就证明了葡萄酒生产商的奉献精神和我们人民的坚韧不拔。我相信,这是我们取得进步的基石。"

同时,斯特凡‧伊曼迪 (Ștefan Iamandi ) 概述了摩尔多瓦在出口市场上取得的持续成功,因为优质的摩尔多瓦葡萄酒在国外大受欢迎。他说:"在'打造国家葡萄酒品牌的 10 年革命'之后,摩尔多瓦对西方国家的葡萄酒出口额增加了两倍。"

罗伯特‧约瑟夫 (Robert Joseph) 也指出:"人们已经爱上了摩尔多瓦葡萄酒,并向其他人介绍此酒,但要让别人听到你的声音,殊非易事。所以,摩尔多瓦的道路才刚刚开始。

与会酒庄认为,2024 年巴黎葡萄酒展正是"与最大生产商同台较量的大好机会"。

媒体联系人 - Parascovia Ignat, info@wineofmoldova.com, +373 22 105 560

Representatives of the Moldovan wineries reunited under the country brand Wine of Moldova at Vinexpo Paris 2024
Representatives of the Moldovan wineries reunited under the country brand Wine of Moldova at Vinexpo Paris 2024


H.E. the Ambassador of the Republic of Moldova to France, Corina Călugăru, Stefan Iamandi, Director of the National Vine and Wine Office, and journalist Robert Joseph hosting Wine of Moldova’s masterclass at Vinexpo Paris 2024
H.E. the Ambassador of the Republic of Moldova to France, Corina Călugăru, Stefan Iamandi, Director of the National Vine and Wine Office, and journalist Robert Joseph hosting Wine of Moldova’s masterclass at Vinexpo Paris 2024


H.E. the Ambassador of the Republic of Moldova to France, Corina Călugăru greeting Moldovan wineries’ representatives attending Vinexpo Paris 2024
H.E. the Ambassador of the Republic of Moldova to France, Corina Călugăru greeting Moldovan wineries’ representatives attending Vinexpo Paris 2024


Wine of Moldova tasting during the masterclass organized at Vinexpo Paris 2024
Wine of Moldova tasting during the masterclass organized at Vinexpo Paris 2024







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